ocr: Greetings Peruvian Cheese Flickers!! One wouldn't have thought it possible,but yes,you guessed it Phil! and Grey! Of: B.S.S (The British Swapping Syndicate) present: - >>>) ) Its Mental III ( ((< = AAAAAAAAA F1 - - Rib-Tickling Raucous Jokes and other crapii F2 - More Nutty Animations (well bugger Me!) F3 - Not the BRITS.. Its the SHITS Awards!! F4 - The BSS Trivia Quiz!! Check YOUR brain!!! F5 A VeRy seRiols Software Piracy Warning... F6 - A Final Word From B.S.S - : Unleashed on: 18-2-91!!! Note: Any Mistakes are entirely intentional. Martin Shaw's solicitors would like to point out that he ...